WIRED takes the individual from a place of discontentment, state of purposeless living and being disconnected from their true purpose to a level of being connected to God, their purpose, the right relationships and actively engaging in change in their communities.
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I learned that when I got born again, God gave me a new identity since I became a new creation, while I also gained an assurance that He sees me in a positive light than I see myself. Besides, I learned that every part of my body is important; consequently, now I walk in confidence knowing I’m important as part of the body of Christ. I live my life knowing that regardless of my abilities, gifts, or position in life, I have an important role to play since I have a purpose that I should fulfil.
I now do understand that my holiness doesn’t come from what I’ve done what Christ did on the cross. In other words, am not a saint because I’ve lived a perfect life, but, I’m a saint because of what Jesus did, since I believe in Him.
I have more confidence in myself, my prayer life, my work, my relationships, because my true identity in Him is secure. When I received Christ, I became a child of God, a partaker of His divine nature, and that He has granted me all things that pertain to life and godliness since He called me to His glory and excellence. I know I have been bought with a price, I am not my own, I belong to God and that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives within me. God’s Spirit lives in me, I am His holy place; thus, I take extra care of myself, spiritually, physically, and mentally.
Knowing that I have received the Spirit of God into my life, I know and understand the things freely given to me by Him, because I do have the mind of Christ. So, I don’t live my life in slavery to fear anymore, because the spirit of fear is not from God. I am assured I have a spirit of power, love, and self-control. Furthermore, I am saved, not for my own purpose but His own purpose, for His glory. I know I have been justified, completely forgiven and made righteous by faith.
I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, and that am redeemed through His blood, and forgiven of all my trespasses, therefore, making me a recipient of His lavish grace.
When it comes to the topic of identity, I have learnt that as a daughter of God, my identity is in the word of God or Christ. I’m created in God’s image and likeness and I’m not what my friends said about me. I am set free from slavery and generational curses and everything about my life is aligned with His word. Besides, I have learned that I have been redeemed from the curse of law and received blessings of Abraham.
When I joined the She is Wired program, I began to understand that I am unique, which led me to stat focusing on my strengths and gifts instead of my weaknesses. In this regard, I wrote down my visions and I have seen God through them.
I learnt more on my identity in God, which has brought a reassurance in my relationship with God as a woman. I realized that I am where I need to be; therefore, God is aware of every experience in my life, which He uses it to shape my purpose. I explored my spiritual gifts and now I am bold enough to exercise them. Similarly, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, I’ve understood that as a woman, I play a vital role on the face of the earth, which makes me unstoppable.
One of my deepest desire has been to walk with and impact other women in a positive way while also encouraging them to be of great support to other women, which causes a ripple effect. Therefore, I pray that God continues using me as a vessel of honor to bring hope and good tidings to every woman that He causes to come my way, and I thank God for this.
In conclusion, there has been an immense transformation as I have learnt to see the hand of God in my life and my family.
I would refer to the she is wired program as a life changing course. I happened to learn about the program at a point in time when i was completely crushed and felt like I didn’t belong.
However, for me, the transformation and renewal of the mind began right from the first class, “she is woman”, where I learnt about my identity in Christ. From this class I understood that my true image is based on God’s word and this completely changed how i used to perceive myself as not good enough. i started believing what the scripture says that I am a manifold of his grace, and as a woman I reflect the beauty of God’s glory.
This program also enabled me to learn about the significance of setting boundaries in all relationships which is something I was really poor at probably due to identity issues. Thus, unlike in the past, i have been able to maintain healthy relationships both at work and social settings based on respect and honesty.
Most importantly, wired has taught me how to pray effectively and with fervency, and we all know ” effective prayers are answered prayers”. So you can tell how my life is, “testimony after testimony”. I am entirely grateful to God for this life changing experience and to pastor @Wanjugu Gichuru for allowing God to use her to transform people’s lives.
From the She Is Wired Program, I know who I am now. I understand that my identity is based on the word of God and no one and nothing else defines me.
I now understand that I was created for a purpose, for good works established beforehand for me to do. I have gained clarity into my purpose and gotten to understand I was designed for it. Besides, I understand that I lack nothing and it is time for me to start walking in my purpose with Jesus as my Shepherd leading me every single step of the way.
Knowing my identity has made me more bold while knowing my purpose has helped in knowing what to stand for what to stand against. Furthermore, now I understand what to walk away from, which encompasses anything that does not align with God’s will and purpose for me.
Since I joined the She Is Wired Program, I started viewing my purpose on a whole different level. I came to realize that it is God who assigns our purpose, whereas purpose is the ultimate reason for the creation of a thing or a person as seen in Genesis 29: 11-12, and Ephesians 2:10.
I understood that purpose is unique to me as seen in Jeremiah 1:5. Purpose is determined by God who is our Creator. Besides, purpose is not fulfilled in a season, but it is expressed in our entire lifetime. I learned that purpose is accomplished in assignments given and done.
Living our purpose begins with a promise, where God shows us a glimpse of our future. God gives us a promise to reveal the plan.
A while back, God revealed to me why He chose me for my current assignment. He said that I will change a generation and it needed to be done through the mentorship of young girls through discipleship and teaching the word of God.
He taught me patience by revealing to me that accomplishing my assignment had to come first, and afterward he would fulfill my hearts desires. Resultantly, I have to walk in obedience since disobedience and stubbornness causes delay.
God has taken me through the process self-denial, which encompasses being dead to self and resurrecting with Christ. The process involves denying all selfish desires and pleasures and being a living sacrifice to what God wants me to do, which enables me to produce and see the end.
I connected with Wired Global at a time my life was very chaotic. I couldn’t sleep because of too much worrying. Furthermore, I had almost lost hope and my relationship with God had become dry since I had so much fear toward Him.
But when I connected with Minister Wanjugu, she inspired hope in me and I got to learn of who the Father really is and how much He loves and cares for me. Through the She Is Wired Program, I now know that I am precious and valued as a woman and I don’t have to look down on myself. The thoughts towards myself and my perspective in life are more positive. My relationship with the Father is much, much better.
Through the She is Wired Program, I have been revived and my life has meaning once again.
Knowing who defines me as a woman has helped me to change the way I view my self. I only view myself through the lenses of the word of God and not the world standards.
I now understand that I am created in the image and likeness of God. I carry the spirit nature of God, I can do things as God does. This means I can create, be fruitful, multiply and dominating in the space God has placed me.
I am unique and shaped for purpose.”
I came across the She is Wired Program when I was earnestly searching my purpose in life. Although I extensively read about the subject, I still lacked knowledge on how to find my purpose.
When I joined the program, I learnt that purpose is expressed in one’s entire lifetime through different assignments. I understood that I am unique and shaped for my purpose based on my spiritual gifts, abilities, and personality which are all instrumental in fulfilling my purpose. Beside, our experiences from childhood and throughout our entire life shape and prepare us for our purpose. In this regard, I gained clarity on my purpose.
The topic on Identity stood out for me since I learned that my identity lies securely in Christ and I am who God says I am and have what He says I have. I am not defined by my role, title, or status in life, but by the word of God. Now, I view myself through God’s standard – the true image.
Doing the Confidence Revamp gave me this revelation: Confidence is in all of us-it is God given once we come into the fold.
However, it takes a level of responsibility and intentionality to keep it growing; to keep confidence alive. We don’t run out of confidence, we are simply distracted from it- because once we remember who we are in Christ, the Holy Spirit helps us to find our voice and use it; to renew our minds and reboot kingdom thinking; to identify where we have been planted and purpose to be salt and light.
It is God’s desire that we be effective, not just for ourselves but for others. So let us revamp our confidence, not as the world defines it, but as God does by continually seeing ourselves through God’s eyes.
Someone is depending on my confidence to believe and trust in the unchanging God.
I was never confident about airing my opinions. Always wondered what people would think of me if I did. Now I am confident about saying what I think without the worry of being misjudged.
Also, I learnt that worrying doesn’t do anyone any good. Instead, we should cast our stresses to God and trust that He will solve them. Similarly, I understood that I need to be my authentic self and not care too much about what people will say when I am my true self, which is absolutely liberating.
Finally, I learnt that I should learn to see myself the way God sees me, with His word as my mirror and guide.
I was struggling with confidence before joining the program. I never believed in myself.
I couldn’t stand before people or even a person or look at them in the eyes. I didn’t know how to handle issues or how solve them because I knew that I was ever perfect.
Nevertheless, after enrolling myself in Confidence Revamp, I came to learn that I was masking myself by being miss perfectionist and miss big personality. The challenge changed my life alot by teaching me how to handle situations in a simple way while being confidence in myself.
Forgiveness and Healing, unmasked and unshamed, let go and let God: these lessons stood out for me during this challenge. The part on forgiveness and healing made me feel like a heavy burden has been lifted from my heart since I learnt how to forgive and let go.
In the book of Genesis 1:26, we are triune beings because when God created us he said let’s make man in our own image. Therefore, if God can forgive me who am I not to forgive yet we are all created in His image?
Although forgiveness is a choice, if we don’t forgive, we hurt ourselves by remembering what other people have done and that means we didn’t forgive them whole heartedly.
Nonetheless, if we forgive and forget, even our father in heaven feels happy the way he forgives us. Notably, this means that a heavy burden has been lifted from us, and that’s how am feeling now.
I feel better because after forgiving and forgetting, I have been able to bond more with those who wronged me, while letting bygones be bygones and allowing God to take control of my life.
joined Confidence Revamp because of the invite I received from a friend of mine.
I heard of this program through a YouTube video.
Before this course; I felt stuck, emotionally drained, fearful, angry, impatient and spiritually disconnected. I felt like I was going through the motions and operating from a bare minimum.
The major lessons I picked were walking light and easy as a precious daughter of my Father, my true identity in Christ, the real definition of beauty and the power of loving myself as God intended.
I am walking away with a stronger and deeper relationship with God, a higher sense of self awareness and a refreshing of my purpose. I prioritise time with my Father because that’s where my identity is strengthened. I capture negative thoughts and I’m very conscious of the words I speak. I have seen vicious cycles break and all this has been life changing.
I highly recommend this course to all ladies out there and especially anyone who feels unsure of themselves, stuck and needs to feel loved, seen and supported.
The 3 weeks of Confidence Revamp were the best for me.
Firstly, I am surprisingly feeling young despite having added weight. The feeling emanates from the inner peace I have due to the program.
Secondly, I have learned to love myself, and stopped judging myself. (Najipenda unapologetically – I love myself unapologetically)
Thirdly, although I have been hearing teachings about forgiveness, due to the sessions in Confidence Revamp followed by meditations, I begun to understand how forgiveness is purely for me! Consequently, I am walking lighter since I have given my pains to God and taken His yoke, which is light.
Fourthly, I have established where I need to put healthy boundaries: socially and at the family level.
Lastly, I am planning to seek God more to know my WHY, that I may live according to His divine purpose going forward.
When I joined the Confidence Revamp program, my heart was so heavy from carrying past burdens, fears and worries.
I’m an over thinker so basically everything has to be over analyzed and this led me to being constantly anxious. I knew I could not continue living my life like with this.
From the social media post I knew this program was exactly what I needed and I joined it with the aim of offloading this baggage off my shoulders and heart.
What I loved most about the sessions is they apply Biblical principles, which never change.
We were taught about traveling light and easy by learning to let go and let God. After this class I wrote down all my worries, fears and burdens and prayerfully cast them to God.
Let me tell you, after this I felt like I had become a new person knowing God has handled it all for me.
This is a life long journey I have to go stay in so as to become who God intends me to be. My life can never be the same!
To all the ladies struggling with letting go of past hurts and pain sign up for this program, it will help you learn how to let go.
Before the confidence revamp challenge my confidence was low and I had a lot of self doubt. I would often think I am not qualified for some roles or tasks.
After going through the challenge my confidence has improved. I believe in who God says I am.I am His work in progress .
The main lesson I learnt is how to be God reliant and dependent instead of self reliant. My reliance needs to be on God who is my father & creator, not to rely on my abilities, strengths, qualifications or people. Depend on Him who knows my end from the beginning. To believe He has good plans for me. My current attitude is “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
I am daily shifting my mindset which is only possible through the word of God. Learning to look at life and people around me from God’s perspective. Rather than be anxious and worried I am learning to rest in God’s finished work of Grace.
The teaching on Wonder Woman was timely and powerful. I am working towards becoming her! A woman who knows her vision, mission and goals in life. One who is focused & carries God’s glory. Living with the knowledge that God created me for a particular purpose which I need to fulfill for God’s glory, using what he has placed in my hands. To walk courageously knowing who my Father is.
Before I did confidence revamp challenge I had a weakness of overthing negative scenarios, always worried of what will happen tomorrow and most important I did not believe in myself most of the times.
On doing the confidence revamp I came to learn that most of my worries were being created in my head. I learnt it is in my power to change all that by training my mind to have positive thoughts no matter what the situation is. I now look for the good and positive and thank God for that.
I was sinking in so many unnecessary worries and loosing focus of where I was headed in this life. Joining was not all, I was put in a group of 4 amazing, beautiful and blessed ladies that walked with me throughout the 3 weeks. This small community brought such a great impact into my life.
I am so grateful I got to do the confidence revamp program.
Now I see myself as capable and has the strength and knowledge to conquer what is yet to come.