Shoes and women are inseparable!
Shoes make us women feel empowered and sexy!
About two weeks ago, I was walking in the streets of Nairobi with one of my girlfriends and lo and behold I saw them! The heavenly sight of an artfully showcased pair of perfectly looking heels across the window shop.
My heart races and I am extremely excited for a few seconds, I have already pictured myself wearing them and dreaming of how they would go perfectly with that new peach dress I bought last month.
My girlfriend standing there nudges me “c’mon go and try them on’ and we hastily enter the store and ask to try them on. They fit perfectly, and I think ‘this is destiny’- they are perfect! I am definitely blown away by the sight of how my feet look gorgeous. I know you know what I am talking about- when I put on those perfectly fitting pretty shoes on my feet and walk in them; I feel wonderful-feminine, flying high powerful, and ready to conquer the world!
Most women will tell you that they love their shoes because of the way they make them feel.
And many women are willing to play with shoes in a way they don’t play with other parts of their wardrobe. A great pair of shoes instantly changes our mood for the better! Putting on high heels lengthens our shape, changes the curve of our posture, and thus evokes an inner feeling of confidence; just like how putting on a smile can make us feel happy. We are suddenly, taller, thinner, and shapelier. A pair of Louis Vuitton or ‘your best brand’ shoes pushes that all out even further!
Shoes provide the foundation for the image that we want to showcase to the world. We wear them as a way to play with aspects of our identity in a less committed way than any other visible marker such as a haircut or color. We can change that message every day or more if we choose. A pair of flat shoes shows our groundedness, heels tell the world we mean business, and high leather boots declare toughness.
So what do shoes have to do with running the world?
Would you want to run the world in plain old, dull-looking shoes that are worn out? I bet not. But in gorgeous perfectly fitting shoes that showcase the personality we have, and express the femininity, skills, and abilities we possess as women.
So how do we get to run the world with our Louis Vuitton shoes?
1. Go shopping!!
You need to get off your easy chair and go shopping. Don’t be afraid to look through the window and check out the shoes in their different types, colors shapes, and sizes. But now instead of shoes, imagine with me that, the perfect pair of shoes IS your life dream or your next big goal.
Most of us haven’t dared to explore and embrace our own dreams, desires, and passions. We have been caught up in other people’s agendas at work, and at home. We keep postponing our own goals while helping others accomplish theirs. Some of us started but got stuck along the way and we are not growing ourselves to the next level.
Feeling empowered and confident every day involves pursuing and working on your own dreams that you are passionate about.
Most of us have a wishlist in our heads ‘I really want to open my own coffee shop… If I had the chance to be the manager, I would definitely do this and that, I would…..’’
You need to stop wishing and follow that passion and purpose that God has deposited in you. Start by shopping!
Are you a woman whose dreams have been on the shelf for a long time?
That perfect dream is out there for you. Go look for it.
2. Try them on!
It’s not enough to look; you need to enter the shop. How else will you know they fit? Shoes are tried on to get the feel and to see whether the shape, size, and color fit perfectly.
Some of us battle with the thoughts -we don’t deserve it, Some of us are paralyzed by fear, Some of us may need a girlfriend to help us, nudge us, or pull us into the store to try them on. Whatever the case, you need to gather enough courage, confidence, and passion to get in the shop and ask to try them on and do it- try them on!
Dreams are meant to be pursued and to be explored, not stuck away on a shelf.
Is it getting that promotion? Is it starting that business? Is it implementing that great idea you have at your workplace? What will it take to know whether the dream fits? Is it calling your boss and setting up a meeting? Is it getting out and researching the business industry you’re interested in?
You need to try them on-I promise you, you will not regret it. Whether you don’t find your perfect fit yet keep shopping, and keep trying them on. Your dreams and goals are out there waiting to be explored!
3. If the shoes fit…Strut them!
When you try the shoes and they fit, strut them- walk around with them and show off those gorgeous legs in perfect-fitting shoes. When you have found that great dream or fashioned out that goal, then explored and realized it’s your perfect fit-then it’s time to show them off to the world!
Most of us aren’t afraid of not accomplishing our goals and dreams, we are really afraid of achieving the big dreams and experiencing greatness. We have to realize that the dreams we have are meant to be shared with others- many are waiting to be encouraged, inspired, and stirred by you to achieve your goals.
The dreams and goals you have should be shared with the world, show them off. Let others benefit from experiencing the talent and skills you have!
Don’t postpone the process any longer, connect with your dreams!
Leave a comment below and let me know what dreams you have been postponing and want to pursue.
W.I.R.E.D means Women Influencing Radically To Establish Destiny. She is Wired is a 12-week course that prepares godly women leaders by connecting them to their identity in God and to their God-given purpose. Wired Troop 10 is around the corner.
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