Free Event 2023

WIRED Prayer Summit


Woman Praying lifting her hands

A while back I witnessed a guy who was trying to enter a building but to no avail because the security guard prohibited it. The guy kept requesting but the guard insisted that without authorization from above he couldn’t let him through.

I stood there and really admired the resilience of the guard to follow orders from the boss.

I am sure you see authority being exercised daily; you could be a boss running a business or a manager with subordinates. You know the importance of having orders followed.

How come then do we as believers struggle to believe in our spiritual authority and not exercise it in our spaces accordingly?

Do you know you have even greater authority here on earth as a believer?

A friend and mentor shared with me how she had a really nasty and corrupt boss. They took time to pray as believers in the office and a few months in, the boss was seen handcuffed and taken away by police.

He was apprehended when they found out his corrupt deals and he was removed from office.

I have never forgotten that story. She was just a secretary then. She didn’t have a great level management position but she understood the authority she had as a son of God.

The Speakers of the Day

The Wired Prayer Summit is the climax of the Prophetic Intercession for the Marketplace – (7 days of Prayer & Fastingsee details at the bottom of this page).

We shall congregate physically in unity to pray and declare what the Lord is speaking concerning our nation and the mountains of influence. 

Wanjugu Gichuru - CEO Wired Global

Pastor Wanjugu Gichuru

God’s prophet and teacher. CEO – WIRED Global

Pastor Simon Mbevi

Pastor Simon Mbevi

He is the founder of Transform Nations and is a thought leader in the marketplace, a great speaker and a father of this nation.

The Event is Free

And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. ~Matthew 16:19 KJV

Keys here represents authority. Authority to permit or disallow. We have authority to bind what is unlawful here on earth according to God’s will, and we have authority to release what is right according to God’s will. This is the authority of the church.

We know that the systems of the world are being ruled by the devil ( 2 Corinthians 4:4) but praise God because Jesus has spoiled principalities, disarming the powers of the enemy and this authority He has given to His body, the church.

The Lord is raising an army to occupy the world and establish God’s Kingdom. We are called to infiltrate systems and uproot what is not of God while establishing what is of God.

Job 22:28
Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee and the light shine upon thy ways

Revelation 11:15

The kingdoms of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.

God wants you to thrive in your area of influence, whether you’ve been called to the Business and Economy Mountain of influence, Faith and Religion, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Education, Family, Media and Communication, or Science and Technology.

In deed our warfare is not carnal, it is spiritual and our weapons are mighty in Jesus Christ. Prayer is the strategy to bring forth God’s will on earth and to move with power.

The event is free, however registration is required. If you'd like to attend the prayer summit, kindly register below.

If you would like to partner with us to make this event a success, kindly give any donation to us via;

Mpesa Paybill business no: 828154

Account no: prayersummit

7 Days of Prayer and Fasting


Wired Global invites you to join us in Prophetic Intercession for the Marketplace –  7 days prayer and fasting beginning on 30th July and culminating on 5th August which will be a whole day prayer conference.

Are you interested? Join other marketplace leaders who will be petitioning heaven and aligning with God’s will.

For further information call us on 0723376494

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